Generator Circuit Breaker (GCB)

Generator Circuit Breaker (GCB)

GCB is also the circuit breaker with the major concern to protect generator during synchronizing process, overload, shortcircuit, out of step and so many function related to generator operation. Specific requirement you can find on IEEE or ANSI C37.013.
The characteristic of GCB is capabillity of carrying high rating current on normal and fault condition. GCB price is very high. Hence this only applied for high rating generator such as 25MW above. Not many vendor can produce GCB, only some such as ABB, Alstom and Siemens. 


Memaknai Kata Rendah Hati

Sebagai ilustrasi, belakangan hiruk pikuk perpolitikan di bongkar oleh sosok sederhana nan merakyat bernama Joko Widodo atau biasa di sapa Jokowi. Sosok yg merakyat, dengan tren blusukannya telah membuat bangsa ini terperangah tak percaya bahwa masih ada sosok pejabat yg mau turun ke lorong2 sempit, kotor dan sangat bau dan mau berbaur dengan rakyat jelata. Ternyata sikap yg di tunjukan oleh Jokowi tsb, membuka mata dan membuktikan bahwa setiap orang tidak harus selalu show off memamerkan kehebatannya. Justru apa yg di lakukan membalikan fakta bahwa kesederhanaan mampu memancarkan energi yg sangat besar utk merubah tatanan yg sudah sedemikian kuatnya mencengkram dalam tradisi saat ini. Budaya rendah hati kini telah bangkit kembali setelah lama terkubur. Kerendahan hati, telah mampu menyirami hati bangsa ini yg telah lama gersang di sengat pijaran sinar kepongahan. Sikap rendah hati ternyata bukan barang kuno dan mampu berperan di era modernisasi saat ini. Budaya rendah hati semoga bisa menjadi jiwa bangsa Indonesia. Jiwa yg mau mengasihi, jiwa yg mau mendengar, jiwa yg mau mengayomi, jiwa ikhlas menerima, jiwa yg sabar menempatkan diri setiap insan bangsa ini untuk menjadikan insan2 yg lain sebagai saudara, sahabat, dan rakyat yang harus di dukung dan disokong demi kemajuan dan kemakmuran bersama. Yg kaya membantu yg miskin, yg miskin mau bersinergi dengan yg kaya sehinggal terjadi harmonisasi hati setiap insan bangsa ini. Semoga bermunculanlah para pemimpin bangsa Indonesia yg rendah hati, dan jadilah budaya rendah hati mengakar dalam hati setiap bangsa Indonesia. Semoga Allah swt, mengkaruniakannya kepada bangsa ini. Amin.
Sudrajat Aryadi
Sang petualang hidup
Build your Project with Good Planning

It's commontly understood that project planing is very important for project execution. But infact so many project falling down due to their weakness in planning. In this case i just want to remind all the people who involve in project execution. Whatever project type, the planning still required mandatory.
Project planning  developed in the preliminary stage with certain level. More deeply, so it will better.
To develop good planning you have to know what kind of plant you will build. How the process to make it and what the risk can be occured and facing during project execution.
When you structure work base structure, your mind will think about work object, how many time required, how many people required, what kind of tools required and the more important is what the risk can be occured in that stage. I would like to under line about the RISK. So many work suspended or postponed due to many people can't identified the RISK which may hold their work. When one of work suspended, then impact to others works, and others group of works make the others group of works suspended again. And finally from the small things now become the big problem. That happening to many project actually.
It's a concern that the planner and project leaders shall sit down to discuss about the PLANNING, IDENTIFY RISK AND MITIGATE RISK.
Hope by doing them, the probabillity of THE RISK and IMPACT may reduce and then managing the project become easily and nice sleep.

Sudrajat Aryadi @March14, 2013

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